Sunday, 12 August 2012

Twitter Chat Like in Facebook

His name is twitter chat, surely this is a way to chat with friends on Twitter like facebook. it possible you can chat with your friends on twitter like facebook chat. by install BONFIRE you can chat whit your friends on twitter like facebook chat!
Step To Install BONFIRE!
  1. Go To This Web [BonFire]
  2. Install by Choose and Click your Web Browser that currently use
  3. And Than Sign In to your twitter account!
  4. And now feel the sensation of a chat with your friends on twitter

Web Browser That Available to Install Twitter Chat [BonFire]
  1. Google Chrome
  2. Mozzila FireFox
  3. Safari
  4. Internet Explorer [COMING SOON]

NB : You can Chat on twitter like facebook chat just with your friends that install this application too! so you can invite your friends on twitter by show this article! 

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