Thursday, 16 August 2012

Stress Relief 2.0

BS Editor: Are you mad at your computer? Do you want to through a hammer at it? Now you can with Stress Relief Use a HummerChainsaw, Gun, Flame Througher, Color Througher, Phaser, Stamp, Termites, and a Washer.
Stress Relief 2.0 is a free computer game designed as a stress reliever where users can virtually smash anything on their computer using various tools. This simple yet excitinggame from Gumtree is an excellent medium to vent out your frustration without actually destroying any tangible items. 

Stress Relief 2.0 gives you the option to choose a wide range of tools like Hammer, Chainsaw, Gun, Flame Throwser, Stamp, Color Throwser and Washer to be used as weapons. There are four different games included in Stress Relief 2.0 i.e., Stick Stress Relief, Stress ReliefPaintball, Stick Combat and Punch Em. 

In Stick Stress relief you can vent out your stress by blowing away the stick guys with 3 different weapons. In Stress Relief Paintball you will be allowed to shoot at some yellow faces and on successful completion you will advance to the next level. Stick Combat on the other hand will allow you to beat the stick guys with your stick and advance to the next mission. Lastly, Punch Em will allow you to use your bare fist to punch your enemies and advance to the next level. 
Requirements: No special requirements

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