Sunday, 12 August 2012

Install Installous on iOS for Ipad, Ipod and IPhone

iPhone Dev Team have released the iOS 5.0.1 Untethered jailbreak and everyone want to install Installous right after jailbreaking your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad device(s) and it is one of the must have apps that you should install on a jailbreaked iDevice, Installous 4.4.2 has been released in order to support and be compatible with iOS 5/iOS 5.0.1.

For those you are installing or heard about Installous for the first time it is an app which is used for installing cracked iPhone apps on your iOS Devices.

Just keep an eye on the following step by step set of instructions in order to install Installous 4.4.2 on your iPhone(3G/3GS/4/4S)/iPad(1 & 2)/iPod Touch which is running iOS 5/iOS 5.0.1 and older versions of iOS.
Note & Disclaimer: According to Apple’s copyright laws, downloading & installing cracked applications is illegal and all the tutorials, download links, cracked apps mentioned here are just for informational purposes.HowTo-HSK doesn’t hold any interest or encourages its users to jailbreak their iDevices and there you are adhered to proceed further at your own risk and we hold no responsibility in case if your device is blocked or you brick your device while proceeding with this tutorial.
Step to Install Installous on iOS 5.0.1 for iPhone, iPad & iPod :
  • In order to continue with the installation of Installous first you need to jailbreak your iDevice, you can learn how to jailbreak your iDevice at Blog Friends 

  • Next, launch Cydia on your jailbroken iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad.

  • Then click on Manage which could be cited at the bottom of the app and then click on the sources.

  • Now click on “Edit” which could be cited on top right of the app and then click on “Add” button which could be located at the top left corner of the screen.

  • In the pop-up, enter in the “Enter Cydia/APT URL” field and click on “Add Source” to proceed further.

  • Cydia will now automatically update its repo list and once it iy done just click on “Search” tab at the bottom of the screen and search for “Installous”, select “Installous 4″ from the search results and click on “Install” and “Confirm” buttons to proceed with the installation.

  • After installation, the on screen instructions will ask you to “Restart SpringBoard”, just click on that which in turn will reboot your device.

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