Sunday, 12 August 2012

Free Download Premium Android

Samsung Galaxy S2 is undoubtedly one of the best smart phone ever created. Its the biggest competitor of iPhone 4 and even upcoming iPhone 5. It has everything that iPhone has and even more but in a lower price. With the power of Google’s Android OS Samsung Galaxy is topping the chart of highest selling smart phone for last 4 months. With dual core processor and 4.3″ WVGA SUPER Amoled display playing games on it is the best gaming experience on a mobile device.
Here I will share 7 Free Premium game for samsung android :

NEED FOR SPEED™ Shift (Download Free)

No introduction needed for games about this game. NEED FOR SPEED™ Shift for android offers Drive 20 cars, including the BMW M3 GT2, Lamborghini Gallardo, and Pagani Zonda. Experience the sweeping skylines of 18 tracks in inspiring international locations (Chicago, London, Tokyo) through day and night driving. See and feel roaring engines, squealing tires, and crunching collisions. Above all, get speed, speed, and more speed!

Toon Warz (Download Free) 
A hardcore FPS, featuring cross-platform multiplayer!
Multi-Touch support. Take control of a one-man army on a death defying mission behind enemy lines. Storm the fortified enemy stronghold and fight your way to its’ very core to rescue the imprisoned hostages before it is too late.

Homerun battle 3D (Download Free) 

Great online baseball game. Play ONLINE MATCHUP to battle 1-on-1 against millions of worldwide Homerun Battle sluggers out there! This version has 4 Extra Modes : Online Match up, Arcade, Training, and Classic. Over 100 Items – Uniforms, hats, equipment and other customizable features, Exclusive Baseball Wear – Includes the official DeMarini CF4, Voodoo and other M2M bat equipment and Supports English, Chinese, French, Japanese and Korean.

Armored Strike (Download Free) 
Armored Strike Online v2.085 is a paid game thats been rated 4.7 by over 15,000 users on the Android market place.
Genre: Worms, Scorched Earth, iShoot.
 This version of the game contains 7 Vehicles, 31 Weapons, 9 Terrains, 3 CPU AIs, 5 Wind Settings, 75 Achievements.

Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance (Download Free) 
The ultimate sci-fi FPS is back! Get ready to step into a whole new level of gaming! Rated 4.0 in the android market place this is one of the best first person shooting game for sure. Multiplayer mode has features like – 1 to 10 players online or locally, 5 modes: Free for All, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Freeze Tag and InstaGib, 10 maps on which to battle it out and more

Abduction (Download Free) 
Its the premium version of Abduction which has been downloaded over 10,000,000 times from Android market. The is rated 4.6 by over 1,700 users. As the publisher says “The cow is back! Jump your way to the top of over 120 levels in 15 colourful and varied landscapes”.

Fruit Ninja (Download Free) 
The worldwide smash hit game Fruit Ninja is now available on Android! Fruit Ninja is a juicy action game with squishy, splatty and satisfying fruit carnage! Become the ultimate bringer of sweet, tasty destruction with every slash. The is rated 4.5 by about 23,000 users.

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